Three types of what we referred to as Men of God.

Three Types Of Individuals Claiming To Be "Servants Of God"

As part of my calling to empower and educate believers, I want to share insights on discerning those who claim to be "Men or Women of God."  Understanding these distinctions is crucial for avoiding deception and growing in your relationship with God.

1) The Truly Called

These men and women have genuinely been called by God. While not perfect, they are sincere, transparent about their struggles, and deeply desire to serve God. They need our support and prayers. Scripture reminds us that "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" (Matthew 26:41).  May the Lord strengthen them in every way.

2) The Called, But Unprepared

These individuals have also received a genuine call from God, but they lack preparation. They may neglect studying God's word or living a consecrated life. God desires their restoration. We see examples of this in Samson (Judges 16:15-17) and Gehazi (2 Kings 5:20), who both stumbled due to lack of dedication and integrity. May God bring them back to faith.

3) The Deceivers 

This is the most dangerous type. These individuals are agents of the devil, masquerading as messengers of Christ. They often perform miracles or engage in charitable acts to gain trust. Many are motivated by a desire for power or personal gain. Their goal is to deceive even the most discerning believers, as warned in Matthew 24:24. The story of Sceva's sons in Acts 19:11-20 illustrates this danger.

Discernment is Key

Prayer, studying God's word, and seeking wise counsel are essential for discerning the true from the false. May the Lord grant us wisdom and discernment as we navigate these challenging times.

A Message of Warning and Encouragement

Before ascending to heaven, our Lord Jesus bestowed upon His apostles special authority and power to combat Satan and his evil forces. Throughout my life's journey serving the Lord, the path has not always been smooth, yet I have chosen to trust in His unwavering kindness and faithfulness. While I acknowledge my imperfections, by God's grace, I strive to live each day immersed in His Word.

I must sound a warning: Many of our church leaders, even within our Bible-believing churches, have lost their connection with God and cling to past glories, which I believe is a dangerous deception. Their followers, sadly, remain blind to this truth. Ignorance contributes to their large numbers, but it is a misguided following. In closing, I echo the urgent warning found in the last book of the Bible, Revelation 2:29: "Let anyone who has ears listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches."


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