How To Please God.

Is it really possible to please God? Definitely sure! This is true since the Bible says that God can be pleased by faith. 
I'll give you a justification for that. Before I continue, let's pray; Lord, no man can truly please you until the knowledge of your word is known. Oh Faithful Father, enlighten us, so that we understand your word and profit from the noble intentions of this post In Jesus name. 

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Every sincere child of God has the desire to please God. Making God happy is the definition of pleasing God, just as a son who performs well in school will inevitably win his parents' approval. God is our creator, our maker, and our all. God is the source of everything we are and have. Without God's mercy, we wouldn't be alive today. Let His holy name be praised forever. 

Let's now read from Hebrews 11:6 in the Bible. It states that "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." To draw your attention to and make clear the ideas stated in the Scripture verse above. It is impossible to please God without faith. If we don't act out of faith, then no service we render to God or our fellow human will be of any value in the end. 

Actually, the Bible views everything we do that is not in line with our faith in God as sin. (Read Romans 13:23). Being good is admirable, but that can only make you likeable in the eyes of men, not in the sight of God. God looks at our hearts instead of our outward appearances. It must be through faith if one is to please God. Faith originates in the heart. It comes from hearing God's word. (Read 1 Samuel 16:7 and Romans 10:17).

What is faith? The Bible defines faith as a substance of things hope for and the evidence of things not seen as stated above. Read Hebrews 11:1. Our capacity to act in a manner consistent with our beliefs serves as evidence of our faith. Faith is a belief pattern and one of the most important requirements to pleasing God. 

In English, a verb is a term that describes a noun. A verb is an action word. Therefore, faith can be either a noun or a verb. Believe is a verb that implies to complement faith. 

For illustration purposes, let's say that a person has a dislocated knee bone, which makes walking extremely difficult. Additionally, this individual had read in the Bible how Jesus had healed the paralyzed man. (Read Mark 2:1-12). His belief at this time ought to be, "Wow, if Jesus healed the paralyzed guy, he could do the same for me." He then said, "Lord, please heal my knee bone." And after saying that prayer, he started to act as if his knee bone had been fixed. In actuality, there might have been no indication that the knee pain was getting better.
According to God's word, acting as though the person has already been healed is what acting by faith is, and God is highly please at that. Keep in mind that God has a history of calling things that did not exist as if they did, and all of those things came to pass. God so demands of all of His children that they live in His likeness. Of course, you may simply agree to this. 

Faith is the ability to live according to the written word of God. God forbids killing, and you declare, "I won't kill since that goes against God's word." God is pleased with that. Putting His words into practice is what pleases God. I was a giver prior to being saved. I give because I was born into a family who gives to others, as do my parents. I discovered when I started reading my Bible that giving was ordained by God and is for our good. I learn that it pleases God and that it is a means by which I can show God my faith. I give twice as much as I did before. In fact, the Bible states that 'God loves a cheerful giver.' (Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-7). To please God, one must love what he loves and despise what he despises. 

On one occasion, I can still clearly recall last year, I came across a brother who was desperately in need of money. Because I wasn't having enough money to sustain him, I applied for an overdraft. I thus secured the funds for him. You don't have to act the same as I do. God neither encourages nor forbids us to take out loans to help those in need. I have absolutely no regrets about acting in God's favor based on my beliefs. However, given the amazing outcome, I was convinced that it pleases God.

Religious people could have considerably outpaced the children of the kingdom if the kingdom of God were not governed by faith. because they believe there are other means by which they might interact with God and find favor with Him. Nobody should ever imagine pleasing God or obtaining anything from Him without faith, according to the Bible. 

Selfishness and a lack of knowledge of God's word are two factors that prevent people from acting in a way that pleases God. If one is excessively self-centered, it is impossible to please God. The secret to pleasing God is consciously upholding the standards laid out in God's written word. I outlined three scriptural references for additional study as I come to a close. Leave us with a message to help get back to you, I pray this strengthened your faith in God. If you have personal concerns, chat with us on WhatsApp directly.

1) Hebrews 11:5 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.

2)Hebrews 11:4 By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh.

3) Romans 14:23 And he that doubteth is damned if he eats, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin. 

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All Scriptural Verses are from the King James Version of the Bible Unless Otherwise Stated. All Right Reserved, Read more.