20 Biblical Facts About The Name Of Jesus Christ

Dear Rev. Don Victor,

I've been reading your site ever since I first discovered it. I have a question about your Christian beliefs that worries me.

Why is apostle Paul, who penned practically the entirety of the New Testament Christian's book, not given the credit he deserves, but one Jesus, who never published a book, is prayed to every day by Christian's community? 

Deby, I admire your bravery in writing to me. You must be patiently awaiting my answer to your question. Thank you for permitting me to use your name in my response.

I can't wait to share some amazing revelations with you concerning the Lord Jesus and His name, Jesus Christ, from a biblical perspective.

The Lord Jesus Christ is without a doubt the central theme of the New Testament, spanning from Matthew's writings through the book of Revelation.

On his way to Damascus, the apostle Paul experienced a conversion from the Lord Jesus Himself. The rule prohibiting employees from having seniority over their employers applies to everyone, even the apostle Paul. Verify the accuracy of Acts 9:1–9.

Paul, the apostle, had a significant role in taking the gospel to the Gentiles. Paul and our Lord Jesus Christ are not comparable, so you cannot do so. The term "Christian" was first used to describe followers of Jesus Christ in Acts 11:26.

After the Lord Jesus returned to the Father, He purposely bestowed upon the apostles, of whom Paul is one, the ability to perform signs and wonders in order to advance the gospel and the establishment of churches.

1) Through the authority of the name of Jesus Christ, demonic spirits departed from their victims, the sick were made whole, and the blind were given sight. (Mark 5:1-20).

2)  According to the scripture, a crippled man who had spent his whole life begging was miraculously healed in the name of Jesus Christ. (Acts 3:1-8).

3) The name of Jesus Christ has profound significance for people of diverse cultures and religions.

Acts 4:12 says, Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

4) Jesus name is the name that is above every other name.

5) Leaving the name of Jesus out of your prayer makes it less powerful.

6) It is likely that you will agree that when the name of Jesus Christ is mentioned, every knee bows and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. (Philippians 2:9-11).

7) The Bible also affirmed that the Lord Jesus Christ, who was born of a virgin named Mary, (Luke 1:26 - 31)

8)  He was betrayed by one of His disciples. He died following his crucifixion under Pontius Pilate. He rose from the dead, as written, on the third day. (Matthew.26:1-75), (Luke 24:1-53).

These all came to pass in fulfillment of what Isaiah, the Old Testament prophet, prophesied.

9) Following His resurrection, He appeared to His followers at different times and in various ways. After that, He stayed on earth for forty days before returning to His Father in Heaven. (Acts 1:9).

10) The Greek spelling of Jesus' name is YESHUA, which means "Yahweh rescues."

11) Jesus declares in John 16:23 that the Father will grant your requests if you make them in his name.

12)  In Greek, the word Christ denotes the Messiah. Christ means anointed one. 

13) The name of Jesus appears in the New Testament more often than any other prophet of God, living or dead.

14) According to opinion polls, Christians make up one-third of the world's population. That's a total estimate of 3 billion people worldwide. This demonstrates the popularity of the name of Jesus.

15) Anyone who calls on the name of Jesus will be saved, and if they believe, they will also be physically healed.

16) The name of Jesus gives hope to the hopeless, wisdom to the fools, and peace to the entire world, especially to those who trust in him.

17) The name of Jesus is the strong tower that the righteous flee into, and they are delivered from all harm.

18) Through the name of Jesus, God's love and compassion for people are communicated.

19) Whoever calls upon the name of Jesus will find healing, hope, and the mercy of God.

20) And that His name is greater and more powerful than every other name. (Isaiah 53:7, Psalm 22:1, Psalm 22:18, Psalm 31:5, Psalm 16:10).

I bring up all these facts to demonstrate that Jesus unjust crucifixion, victorious resurrection, and majestic ascension into heaven were all undeniable evidence that the name of Jesus Christ is extraordinary and that Jesus is the Son of God, fulfilling all prophecies.

Are you reading this from a hospital bed, a jail yard, or a crossroads in your life? The answer is found in Jesus.

A doctor may have informed you that you only have twelve days left on this earth. I'm here to inform you that whether you're alive or not, Jesus Is The Answer!

I used to be totally dependent on the physicians, but I am now a walking testament to the fact that God answers prayers.

If you are putting your faith in God for anything, I hope my post 101Meanings Of Faith will encourage you.

I really hope that the knowledge and inspiration I have shared here about the name of Jesus Christ will be both helpful and inspirational to whomever visits my site.

I'm aware that you enjoyed what you read here and might have some questions. If you need any clarifications or have questions, please Contact us.

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All Scriptural Verses are from the King James Version of the Bible Unless Otherwise Stated.