What Made Jesus Say So?
The Lord Jesus commanded that the woman who donated a very expensive perfume to honor Him be remembered wherever the gospel is preached.
In reference to the scripture and question above, let me state the following in brief:
As Jesus was having dinner with His disciples, a woman unexpectedly arrived with extraordinarily expensive perfume and poured it on Jesus in adoration.
The disciples were enraged by the woman's actions because they thought it was absurd given how expensive the perfume was and that money from its sale would have been donated to the poor.
The Lord Jesus, however, reacted differently. He was so moved by the woman's selflessness that He promised that her altruistic efforts would be remembered wherever the gospel is preached all over the world.
Although the woman's actions are not the gospel themselves, they do serve as models of how we ought to respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Regarding support and self-sacrifice for gospel propagation
The end will come, according to Matthew 24:14; once this gospel of the kingdom is preached to every nation as a witness.
The task of evangelizing the entire world for God has been placed in the hands of believers.
It is God's very breath and thoughts. It's about winning souls to the Lord and making disciples everywhere, as written in the Great Commission scripture, Matthew 28:14.
The divine command to evangelize the entire world for God is known as the "great commission."
In God's perspective, it's either now or never! Now is a key time to bring souls into the kingdom of God. It represents God's very breath and thoughts.
Angels are not authorized to evangelize; only those who have been saved and called are eligible.
I say this to people who are unaware that while every Christian is called, not all Christians are choosing.
For many are called, but few are chosen. Matthew 22:14.
Although you might not have the opportunity to preach the gospel, your prayers, selfless giving, and financial support nonetheless count as participation.
Right now, millions of people around the world are searching for answers on the internet. People are dying daily for lack of knowledge of the word of God.
Given the repercussions of sin, evangelism becomes extremely necessary. If the Philippians church had not been there to encourage him, not even the apostle Paul could have succeeded.
Make a donation to send the gospel to all nations today.
As you know, you Philippians were the only ones who gave me financial help when I first brought you the Good News and then traveled on from Macedonia. No other church did this. Philippians 4:15,NLT.
As we continue to reach out to the unreached, the hopeless, and the sick, we kindly request that you consider making a modest donation to this heavenly mission.
By contributing to Don Victor Ministries, you are helping to sustain our online evangelism and ensuring it remains free and accessible to all nations.
Our mission will continue to speak to one thing: reaching more people with the word of God through the power of the internet!
I'm sure reading this makes you happy. I appreciate your desire to support our vision to win six million souls across the six continents to the Lord.
If you need any clarifications or have questions, contact us Here.
All Scriptural Verses are from the King James Version of the Bible Unless Otherwise Stated.
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